Journey of Routines
Our science-driven methods help you to achieve your routines through the power of self-awareness and self-acceptance. We will always be with you.
People usually have a hard time identifying and continuing routines that benefit us.
With Galeri, what you have to do is to decide what you want to do for several months and then we will support you to instill good routines.
to reduce your mood swings
to improve baseline of your mood
to know how to keep your mood stable.

The magic of keeping routines is
Special offer (2020): We offer one-month free trial program for users.
Basic Plan:$10/ month
(We recommend continuing for at least three months to feel the effect)
- Through chat messages, we will assist you to set up your routines by understanding why you want to pursue your routines.
- We will support you to focus on your routines via chat.
- By continuing your routines, you will gain self-awareness and have more confidence on yourself.